+ BINZU97+
はい、命令です! その上で!
Self Portrait by Terre Binns (2023).
Binzu97 (Bin-zuh kyu-ju-na-na) is an online store selling photograph prints and a variety of garments made and operated by Terre Binns.
All original files are stored safely not only ensuring high quality prints for every order, but making sure you receive every order.
Binzu97 started off as an idea when Terre was taking PHOTO51 in late 2015. Terre has been a photographer since early 2013, while also running a blog that shares different senses of fashion including a wide range of many photographer’s unique styles since early 2010. It was something that seriously piqued his interests since he was young, therefore Terre immersed himself in the subject. Now that he is more able to express that, he takes much joy in doing both for a website of his own and putting his ideas and visions out for the world to see.
Binzu97 is based in the East Bay of California in the United States and offers images in various sizes while also distributing clothing with original designs.
I Can't See My Face! - Binzu97
私は私の顔を見ることができません! - ビンズ97
Binzu 97(Kyūjūnana)
Terre Binns
All images belong to Terre Binns.